We have included this page to make sure that our customers have complete convenience when ordering our translations.
Now you may process your payment directly from this page. It's easy, convenient and fast!
How to Process your Payment:
This page is divided into two sections:
- Quote Deposits: You may process your deposit using your quote number, and immediately
start the process for your translation.
- Final Payment: You may process your final payment upon receiving your translation,
using your invoice number (invoice will be sent together with your translation).
Your Quote or Invoice Numbers will be listed on the corresponding section. Simply
identify your number and click on it. The general details of your translation will appear, a payment serial
number (provided to you with quote or invoice, this is done to make sure that you have clicked on the right number) together
with the amount to be processed.
It's that simple and easy!
Privacy and Confidentiality: Your privacy is always protected with us. Upon
clicking on the quote and invoice numbers the only information provided is the general description of your translation and
the payment serial number. Your name, company, contact and personal information is never disclosed.
Tip: Please double-check your quote number or invoice number
to make sure that you are clicking on the right one.

Quote Deposits
Q1262 Payment Received Thank you!
Q6013 Payment Received Thank You!
Q4271 Payment Received Thank You!
Q2350 Payment Received Thank You!
Q1228 Payment Received Thank You!

Final Payment